Sunday, December 19, 2010

描述 Description

別名 Common Name:

学名 Scientific Name:
Codiaeum Variegatum cultivars

科別 Family Name:
大戟科 Euphorbiaceae

属別 Genus Name:
变叶木属 Codiaeum

原产地 Origin:
太平洋岛屿和澳大利亚 Pacific and Australia

植物照料 Plant Care:

其他注释 Others Note

变叶木以其叶片形色而得名,其叶形有披针形、卵形、椭圆形,还有波浪起伏状、扭曲状等等。其叶色有亮绿色、白色、灰色、红色、淡红色、深红色、紫色、黄色、黄红色等,而且这些不同色彩的叶片上又点缀得有千变万化的斑点和斑纹,真可谓“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞”,犹如在锦缎上洒满了金点,又好似在宣纸上随意泼洒了彩墨。因此,变叶木也常常被人们称作洒金榕。   其实,变叶木是一个园艺品种众多的大家庭,根据叶形和叶色不同而分,大概有120多个品种,常见的有“飞燕”、“细黄卷”、“织女缕”、“鸿爪”、“晨星”、“柳叶”等品种。变叶木又特易于嫁接,如果你有兴趣,可把不同叶形、不同叶色的多种变叶木嫁接在一株上,那定会是一株五彩缤纷、迥非异常、令人叫绝的观叶植物了。   
叶形和叶色依品种不同而有很大差异,叶片形状有线形、披针形至椭圆形,边缘全缘或者分裂,波浪状或螺旋状扭曲,甚为奇特,叶片上常具有白、紫、黄、红色的斑块和纹路,全株有乳状液体。总状花序生于上部叶腋,花白色不显眼。常见品种有:长叶型,叶片呈披针形,绿色叶片上有黄色斑纹;角叶型,叶片细长,叶片先端有一翘角;螺旋型,叶片波浪起伏,呈不规则扭曲与旋卷,叶铜绿色,中脉红色,叶上带黄色斑点;细叶型,叶带状,宽只及叶长的1/10,极细长,叶色深绿,上有黄色斑点;阔叶型,叶片卵形或倒卵形,浓绿色,具鲜黄色斑点。   装饰应用:变叶木是自然界中颜色和形状变化最多的观叶树种,极为美丽。中型盆栽,陈设于厅堂、会议厅、宾馆酒楼,平添一份豪华气派;小型盆栽也可置于卧室、书房的案头、茶几上,具有异域风情。   
水:喜水湿,4-8月生长期要多浇水,经常给叶片喷水,保持叶面清洁及潮湿环境。   肥:生长期一般每月施1次液肥或缓释性肥料。   
土:喜肥沃、粘重而保水性好的土壤,培养土可用粘质土、腐叶土、腐熟厩肥等调配。   温:变叶木属热带植物,生长适温20-35℃,冬季不得低于15℃。若温度降至10℃以下,叶片会脱落,翌年春季气温回升时,剪去受冻枝条,加强管理,仍可恢复生长。   
【药 名】:变叶木   
【来 源】:为双子叶植物药大戟科植物变叶木的叶。   
【功 效】:清热理肺、散瘀消肿。   
【主 治】:用于肺气上逆证、痈肿疮毒、毒蛇咬伤。   
【别 名】:酒金溶(《广西植物名录》)   
【拉丁名】:Codiaeum Variegatum (L. ) Bl.

Plant Profile
The cultivated garden crotons are very popular and come in an amazing diversity of leaf shapes and colors. What they do have in common are rather thick evergreen alternate leaves, tiny inconspicuous star-shaped yellow flowers that hang down in long racemes, and a milky sap that bleeds from cut stems. Depending on the cultivar, the leaves may be ovate to linear, entire to deeply lobed, and variegated with green, white, purple, orange, yellow, red or pink. The colors may follow the veins, the margins or they may be in blotches on the leaf.

Codiaeum variegatum is widely cultivated as a house plant for its very brightly colored foliage . The leaves are used as a medicine to disperse extravasated blood and as an anti-inflammatory.

A popular outdoor shrub grown in tropical and subtropical climates and in northern greenhouses for the ornamental foliage. Colors are most vivid in bright sunshine.
A colorless liquid that bleeds from the broken leaf stem stains white cloth to a brown colour which increases in darkness when the fabric is wetted. These markings have been mistaken for blood stains (Brown 1960a).

The young leaves of certain of the yellow varieties are eaten as flavoring; old leaves irritate the mouth because their acridity increases with age (Brown 1960a). The bark and roots are acrid and cause burning in the mouth if chewed. Although mature leaves may be an irritant, the plant is rarely a cause of dermatitis despite much handling of foliage for decoration and of cuttings for propagation

Croton oil, a powerful laxative , does not come from this shrub, but from the seeds of another plant, Croton tiglium.

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